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November 15–17
Restorative Yoga Teacher Training with Joyce Borst.
From indulging for yourself in a full Restorative Yoga class to understanding the props, breathing techniques, sequencing, use of essential oils, music, and incense in classes. . . this training will give you a full exploration into the practice of Restorative Yoga.
Joyce will introduce participants to yoga philosophy and history, explain the difference between Restorative Yoga and Yin Yoga practices, how to hold sacred space, types of relaxation, and bring Self Love into your teaching. Be prepared to dive deep!
There will be opportunities to both experiment with techniques as well to teach a sequence of supported postures. Certificate of Restorative Yoga Training will be distributed upon completion of the full weekend.
Schedule: Friday 6–9pm, Saturday 11am–5pm, and Sunday 12pm–3pm
Cost: $200. Pre-registration is required
Restorative Yoga Teacher Training Nov 15–17
- Availability: In Stock